With us, you test your genes with world-leading experts in genetics related to diet and exercise. The information is gathered in an understandable way that gives you the knowledge you need.

Take a Gendiet DNA test and get answers to:
Which diet is the correct one for you, based on your DNA.

Are you genetically disposed to obesity.

Which ratio of carbohydrates, proteins and fats is optimal for you to reach your daily calorie goal.

Do you gain weight from fat or carbohydrates.

Do you have an advantage from explosive or endurance workouts.

Which type of exercise and activities that increases your metabolism.

How you set goals for diet and workouts, and how to reach them – every time!

How are you constructed?

All humans are unique in their own way. This also applies to diets and exercise. Would you like to know what is the best approach for you?


Your genes affect what result you get from exercising. An old myth says that the harder you work out, the more you get out of it. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. Do you get optimal results by exercising slower, but longer workouts? Or intensively through short workouts?


There are many diets out there, but there isn’t one specific diet that suits everyone. Therefore we tailor a specific diet, especially for you. This diet will be based on your own genes, your lifestyle and your goals. When you play along with your body, you will achieve the best results.