Side effects of gastric bypass surgery

Side effects of gastric bypass surgery

There has recently been some coverage on a new study following people that have completed gastric bypass surgery. It is our duty to let people know that there is another choice! The Verju Green Laser is used successfully by many innovative Doctors in America to bring...

Summer socialising, hard to snap back from?

Are you struggling to get back to healthy eating again after the summer holiday season? For some people these breaks in routine and indulgences are scientifically harder to snap back from. Others make it look easy, but it might be in your genes; the junk-food and the...

A new organ? Just under our skin!

A new organ? Just under our skin!

It's been a while since I have blogged, I've been busy helping clients! But I simply cannot wait any longer to share this news. Did you know that scientists have been examining the fluid surrounding the cells under the skin and now they can see that the fluid has a...

Visceral fat vs subcutaneous fat

Visceral fat vs subcutaneous fat

Visceral fat is a specific type of fat that is found on the stomach. High visceral fat is dangerous and is correlated with cholesterol, diabetes and other conditions. This is because visceral fat is the fat that is located inside the abdominal cavity – packed between...

Always hungry?

Always hungry?

Some of our customers come to us because they struggle with issues of overeating.  Whilst we do not judge any of our clients for their lifestyle choices, we know their goal is to look slimmer and that it is important to them and their self esteem when they can...

Health risks of some fat reduction techniques

Health risks of some fat reduction techniques

Hjelmesæth forklarer at fettsmelting og vektnedgang ikke er samme sak, fordi fettet ikke vil forlate kroppen. – Det vil bare plassere seg i et annet organ, for eksempel i leveren. Da får du fort det vi kaller fettlever, og det er veldig skadelig, forteller Hjelmesæth....